Dispatching Commercial and Marketing Delegations to Target Nations

Dispatching Commercial and Marketing Delegations to Target Nations The issue of dispatching the marketing and commercial delegations to the target nations is one of the main tools playing role for concluding the commercial contracts, detecting the potential markets and conducting the scientific process of marketing. Believing to this subject, by support of related institutes, this management tried to detect the target markets as well as dispatching different commercial delegations for field studies and personal negotiations as well as marketing process. a- Marketing Delegations to Afghanistan • Specific Industrial and Commercial Delegationto Afghanistan- Kabul, Jan 2 to 6, 2004 Attending by 20 capable and interested companies, this board dispatched to the markets of Afghanistan in different fields such as stationary, plastic products, equipment and facilities for power supply, aluminum industries, medical equipment, home appliances, steel industries, telecommunication, rubber for cars, food industries and industrial machineries by support of Office for Exports of Ministry of Mines and Industries as well as cooperation of Embassies between both nations. • Commercial and Industrial Marketing Delegation to Afghanistan- Kabul, Feb, 21 to 25, 2005. Attending by 15 companies in different fields such as technical engineering services, steel industries, auto making industries, chemical industries, commercial services, food industries, construction industries and investment, this exhibition was held on Feb, 21 to 25, 2005 in Kabul by the support of Ministry of Mines and Industries of Islamic Republic of Iran and Embassies of both nations. • Commercial and Industrial Marketing Delegation to Afghanistan- Kabul, July, 30 to Aug, 3, 2007. By the support of Ministry of Mines and Industries of Islamic Republic of Iran and Iranian Development and Commercial Organization and embassies of both nations, and attending by 15 companies in different fields, such as plastic industries, facilities pipes, polymer industry, steel industries, technical engineering services in the power industry, pharmaceutical industries, food industries, power industry, industrial machineries, construction industry and trading services, this delegation was held. b- Marketing Delegations to Iraq • Marketing Board to Kurdistan, Iraq, Sept, 16 to 20, 2006 This board attending by 16 members of superior managers of commercial and industrial companies having activity in the fields of food industries, commercial services, construction industry, home appliances, chemical and cosmetics industries, industrial machineries, steel industries and pharmaceutical industries was held and participated in different visits and negotiations with authorities for commercial and industrial and climate rehabilitation sectors in Sulaymaniyah and Erbil. • Marketing Delegation to Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan, Feb, 5 to 8, 2007 Continuing the dispatches of commercial and marketing boards to Kurdistan of Iraq, this specific delegation comprised from 14 members of superior managements of exports companies in the field of chemical industries, food industries, pharmaceutical industries, electronic industries, construction industry, and trading services were dispatched to Erbil in Kurdistan. • Marketing Delegation to Iraq Kurdistan, June, 25 to 29, 2007 By the support of Iranian Development and Trade Organization and attending more than 50 members of superior managements of industrial and commercial sectors, in the fields of specific machineries group, construction materials and facilities, home appliances, detergents, pharmaceutical and chemical materials, food industries and commercial services, this board dispatched to Kurdistan of Iraq. During the executive stages of this great commercial board in two towns, Sulaymaniyah and Erbil, there were negotiated with superior managements in different commercial sectors such as visits of investment and commercial boards from chambers of commerce as well as holding two great conferences in Sulaymaniyah and Erbil attended by large number of authorities, local traders and investors aiming to introduce the exports capabilities of Islamic Republic of Iran and the board dispatched to this region.

• Commercial and Industrial Marketing Delegation to Kurdistan of Iraq, July, 2009 Aiming to establish continuous commercial relations in Kurdistan of Iraq, by attendance of 17 companies among powerful Iranian exports in following fields, this board dispatched to Sulaymaniyah and Erbil of Kurdistan of Iraq: Plywood, chipboard, foodstuffs, dairy, steel structures, and construction materials, plants and flower, green space, water and sewage facilities, cosmetics, oil and gas, home appliances

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